A feeling of Healing

Massage by MOnica

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Change in Location!

I am no longer working out of Wight Chiropractic, and after of the beginning of November, I will be working only in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area. Anyone interested in scheduling a massage with me can contact me at 208-534-8216.

A shout out Dr. Wight, Darlene, Krista, and all of my amazing clients in Idaho Falls-- I appreciate the opportunity that I have had to work with all of you! Thank you for all that you have done over the years!   

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Free Paraffin Wax Treatment!

I am SO excited about a new type of therapy that I have added to my practice...Paraffin Wax Treatments!

Paraffin Wax Treatment
Paraffin Wax
Paraffin wax treatments help in moisturizing and softening the skin. Paraffin wax treatments are used most frequently to hands and feet, but can also be applied to the body by brush, or with cloth stips. The paraffin wax used in paraffin wax treatments is a softer wax because of the paraffin oil component. Due to the soft wax, it melts at a lower temperature compared to normal. This characteristic allows the skin to be submerged in the wax without causing any burn or blister to the skin.

There are a series of steps to complete a paraffin wax treatment
  • Melt blocks of paraffin wax in special containers
  • Clients dip their hands or feet into the melted wax several times
  • The body part that is dipped is then wrapped in plastic
  • After the layer is hardened, it is pulled off in one solid piece

    The paraffin changes to a liquid form as it is heated and transfers heat to the body when applied. The heat opens your pores and penetrates deeply. Circulation increases, and skin is left feeling smooth. Paraffin is great for chronic tightness and pain, arthritis, and relaxation. 

    The best part? I am offering this treatment for free when you book your massage in the month of September! Book your massage soon, as this offer will not be available for long!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Summer!

Print coupon, and bring to your appointment to receive this discount!

Friday, June 4, 2010

neck pain

Neck and shoulder pain and stiffness are among the most common problems that I see as a massage therapist. This condition is often a result of a compensation pattern that develops in response to postural distortion somewhere else in the body. In order to correct this pattern, the entire body needs to be addressed.

What you can Do:
-STRETCH: A stretching program (example: yoga) will help reduce tension
-SCHEDULE A MASSAGE: Massage therapy aides the body to in healing and will correct body patterns causing neck pain

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Click to enlarge!

Gift Certificates are Available at Wight Chiropractic
203 N Holmes Avenue
Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Massage Therapy Research Findings

Massage therapy is so much more than just a feel good treat. Besides stress reduction, relaxation, and pain reduction in the back and neck, massage therapy can be a great tool for many other conditions.

Massage Therapy Research

The therapeutic benefits of massage continue to be researched and studied. Recent research has shown the effectiveness of massage for the following conditions:

  • Cancer-related fatigue.
  • Low back pain.
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee.
  • Reducing post-operative pain.
  • Boosting the body’s immune system functioning.
  • Decreasing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Reducing headache frequency.
  • Easing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
  • Decreasing pain in cancer patients.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Printable Coupon!

Ever wonder what those radiating "knots" in your back really are?
Trigger Point
An irritated area in muscle fibers that when compressed may elicit pain or a twitching response. A trigger point is more than a tender nodule, however. It affects not only the muscle where the trigger point is located, but also causes "referred pain" in tissues around it.

Trigger Point Therapy (also known as Myotherapy or Neuromuscular Therapy)
A method that applies concentrated finger pressure to trigger points to break cycles of spasm and pain.

And also a little "thank you" for taking the time to look at this blog:

Print and Bring to your next massage therapy appointment with
Monica, and receive $5.00 off!

Happy Spring!